Friday, November 6, 2015

SRC 088: The Ouija Experiment (2011)

When your found footage horror flick looks more like a tour of low income homes in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area than it does anything remotely scary, you know you've turned-the-camera-off your way into the Restroom...

THE OUIJA EXPERIMENT deals with five stereotyped morons who inadvertently open up a can of non-special effects nonsense when they start spelling out endless words on the cheapest looking Ouija Board ever made.

This seanced mess is available for streaming on Netflix, VUDU, and Amazon Instant Video, but as always, you're better off sliding the palette over to NO and finding some other board game film to watch.

Our special guest this time out is pop culture professor and author, Doctor Rebecca Housel. Housel has written books that tackle the philosophy of such pop culture entities as HBO's TRUE BLOOD, the TWILIGHT series, and X-MEN.  She also has spoken on various panels for the Wizard World/Comic Con tour.

Sit back now and give a listen as Nat, Griffin, & Knight flush you down the Cinematic Bowl with, THE OUIJA EXPERIMENT...